& anxiety

Stress & Anxiety

Stress & Anxiety

How hypnotherapy can help
It is worth remembering that none of us are born with stress, anxiety, fears or addictions. These disorders develop through our life experiences and if we can learn them, we can definitely unlearn them!

Hypnotherapy can help you to deal with stressful situations by teaching you relaxation techniques, helping you identify what your triggers are and helping you to deal with them, changing your mindset and by giving you the right coping strategies so that you can learn to deal with your stress and anxiety in a productive, clearer and more positive way thus enabling you to live a much calmer, more productive and happier life.

Stress is our response to threat and anxiety is a reaction to stress, they are our body's natural reaction to change and fear. We all experience stress and anxiety in our lives. We've all been late for an appointment, been stuck in traffic, been held up on the tube making us late for work. The 'flight or flight' response has served us well since the beginning of time. This response helps us in situations where we feel threatened or more importantly when we think we feel threatened. This causes us to experience certain physical reactions such as a rush of blood to the arms and legs so that we can fight or run away. It is an adrenaline response that causes your heart to beat faster, pumping oxygen around your body to those parts that need it to protect you. This worked well for our ancestors, who when out on a hunt, could have been threatened by a wild animal, however in our modern lives, when there is no real physical threat, these physical reactions will cause us to feel on high alert, unable to calm down and unable to focus and they can feel extremely unpleasant.  

Stress can cause heart problems, respiratory conditions, digestive issues and muscle tension to name just a few. Our mental health can be affected by the likes of anxiety and depression during stressful periods.  

However, in small doses stress can be useful as it helps us to achieve by keeping us motivated and alert. But If you are experiencing too much stress and anxiety in your life then it is probably preventing you from achieving your true potential at work and affecting your personal relationships which can become exhausting and overwhelming.

If you recognise any of the symptoms mentioned or you are experiencing any of the following then feel free to get in touch for a free chat and information on how hypnotherapy can help you:

•your fears or worries are out of proportion to the situation
•you avoid situations that might cause you to feel anxious
•your worries feel very distressing or are hard to control
•you regularly experience symptoms of anxiety, which could include panic attacks
•you find it hard to go about your everyday life or do things you enjoy   

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